The curriculum coordinator – a person in school responsible for the entire coordinating of all curriculum. Teachers tell me about how this helps support and unify the classroom instruction. Teachers use the coordinator as a mentor and a sounding board as well as for direction. She helps the variety of subjects floating into each other. This provides teachers the means of maximizing student learning in oh so many ways.
I also talked to the Libarian Teacher:
The Libarian is the person who supports the curriculum and the classroom teacher by meeting with the teacher to suggest activities and create work direction using all types of media, books, internet, film… and by purchasing the material needed for the enrichment of reading and the support of the classroom teacher/curricula. The teacher/librarian has a education degree as well as a master’s degree in library science. The teacher librarian is an information specialist and in this time period the teacher librarian supply the 21st learner with the ability to use knowledge to its full capacity.
As a teacher you can always discuss with your curriculum coordinator. But as the teacher I talked to said:
Teachers are stubborn people, they don’t like changes! But they have to accept them…
in an international school in Johannesburg, South Africa. I will return by showing alot of pictures of just beautiful classrooms and inviroment for education and learning. Childrens right, that is to say!
Oh, I wish we had coordinators and librarians like that! As long as they don’t tell me what to do, of course! 😉 Only shares new, good ideas! It is really an excellent idea; not having to cope on your own, having an expert in the field to think together with!
Vad intressant att läsa om ”the curriculum coordinator” och ”the librarian teacher”.
I gårdagens SvD var det två artiklar om skolbibliotek och den nya skollagen. Kul att SvD tog upp det men vi var många som reagerade på att det även denna gången sattes likhetstecken mellan skolbibliotek och läs- och skrivinlärning. Man missade helt skolbiblioteket som pedagogisk funktion. Den andra artikeln var om Kunskapsskolans bokbuss. Där hade skolledaren från Kunskapsskolan ett uttalande som tyvärr fick stå oemotsagt. Diskussion blev det på skolbiblistan. Kristina Alexanderson skrev två jättebra blogginlägg i sin blogg.
Vore kul att sedan få höra också din reaktion på artiklarna.